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Relocation Services
About Randi Emmott
Properties For Sale
Agency Relationships Explained
Relocation, whether it be across the city or around the world can be a very stressfull time, particularly for families with children who are leaving their friends behind. The pressures created by the combination of a new job, new house, new neighbourhood, new schools and sometimes even the culture of a new country can be substantial.
I have considerable experience providing professional help to both corporate transferees and personal relocations. I have developed a process and system designed to minimize stress and potential family conflict. This system is based on advanced preparation and effective delivery of a comprehensive package of client services. These services include, but are not limited to:
Information Packages couriered to qualified clients prior to first house hunting visit that include (as appropriate):
- Real estate market trends
- Local school information
- How to apply for a social insurance number
- Ontario health insurance coverage
- Which cars can you import into Canada from the US
- Canada Customs and Excise rules and duties
- Guides for newcomers to Toronto and Ontario
- and much more...
Real Estate Services:
- Detailed explanation of the house purchase process in Ontario
- Finding the right house in the client's affordable price range
- Professional representation and negotiation of client's "Offer to Purchase"
- Provision of a full assessment of closing costs
- Assistance with obtaining competitive financing
- Recommendation of a lawyer, if required
- Assistance with, and resolution of, any closing issues
I have also established a network of associates in the relocation field who can provide:
- Consulting services on immigration issues
- Consulting services on international tax implications
- Moving services for house contents
If you are thinking of relocating to Toronto/Southern Ontario, or if you are a Realtor who has a client relocating to this area please send me an e-mail, or give me a call.